Our homebase
In Kremsmünster
in the heart of Upper Austria
In Kremsmünster
in the heart of Upper Austria

Sustainability is in our DNA. Therefore, we rely on renewable energy: Our photovoltaic system covers more than half of our electricity needs through solar energy, supplemented by green electricity.

Organic foods with exceptional quality not only land on our desks every day but also on our lunch table. As part of an employee-led cooking rotation, fresh meals are prepared every day – naturally with organic ingredients, sometimes sourced from the local food coop and our customers.

We pay attention to the climate impact of business trips and, where possible, we carpool or cycle to work.

Sustainability is in our DNA. Therefore, we rely on renewable energy: Our photovoltaic system covers more than half of our electricity needs through solar energy, supplemented by green electricity.

Organic foods with exceptional quality not only land on our desks every day but also on our lunch table. As part of an employee-led cooking rotation, fresh meals are prepared every day – naturally with organic ingredients, sometimes sourced from the local food coop and our customers.

We pay attention to the climate impact of business trips and, where possible, we carpool or cycle to work.

Sustainability is in our DNA. Therefore, we rely on renewable energy: Our photovoltaic system covers more than half of our electricity needs through solar energy, supplemented by green electricity.

Organic foods with exceptional quality not only land on our desks every day but also on our lunch table. As part of an employee-led cooking rotation, fresh meals are prepared every day – naturally with organic ingredients, sometimes sourced from the local food coop and our customers.

We pay attention to the climate impact of business trips and, where possible, we carpool or cycle to work.