
Examination of supply chains

Examination of supply chains

In the increasingly globalised food production industry, the complexity of food supply chains is also on the rise. Simultaneously, legal and private-law requirements regarding due diligence and precautionary measures are increasing, extending beyond the boundaries of individual operations.

Product assurance by LebensmittelFairSicherung involves the disclosure of the supply chain, ideally (especially for fresh fruit and vegetables) up to agricultural production.

In the increasingly globalised food production industry, the complexity of food supply chains is also on the rise. Simultaneously, legal and private-law requirements regarding due diligence and precautionary measures are increasing, extending beyond the boundaries of individual operations.

Product assurance by LebensmittelFairSicherung involves the disclosure of the supply chain, ideally (especially for fresh fruit and vegetables) up to agricultural production.

For organic products…

  • … for which it is detailed, in advance and continuously known where they come from, who processes them, and who is responsible for each step in the overall process.

  • … for which, in the case of sourcing raw materials from high-risk countries, additional risk mitigation measures are implemented.

  • … that have undergone a comprehensive system check, ensuring that the organic control chain has no gaps or interruptions.

  • … where the linkage of control processes is ensured between value-added stages, and where the information from different stages has been checked for plausibility.

For organic products…

  • … for which it is detailed, in advance and continuously known where they come from, who processes them, and who is responsible for each step in the overall process.

  • … for which, in the case of sourcing raw materials from high-risk countries, additional risk mitigation measures are implemented.

  • … that have undergone a comprehensive system check, ensuring that the organic control chain has no gaps or interruptions.

  • … where the linkage of control processes is ensured between value-added stages, and where the information from different stages has been checked for plausibility.